NEMO is an open source system developed at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) for the past several years to initially manage and operate its NanoFab facility. It is used in many facilities in the USA and across the world.
"The NEMO web application is laboratory logistics software that strives to be intuitive and easy to use, making life easier in the lab. NEMO manages tool reservations, control access to tools, and streamline logistics and communication. The code is open source and free so that other labs can benefit." - NIST
NEMO-CE (Community Edition) is a extended version of NEMO that includes a complete training module, qualification levels, tool accessories, advanced tool precursor configurations and more
Equipment scheduling
Tool control
Access control
Interlock integration
Badge reader integration
Resource control (Gases etc.)
Nemo is based on a flexible architecture to facilitate its extensibility and maintainability.
Let us help!
We offer commercial support for the customization, integration, configuration and custom enhancement of NEMO
Having difficulties installing and configuring NEMO or simply need it to be done by professionals? We are here to help!
We can integrate NEMO with your current infrastructure: whether it's your identity provider, database, interlocks, badges, anything!
Custom Development
Need some new functionalities or a new module for your lab/organization?
Not sure if NEMO is the right fit?
Need advice, architecture design or a transition plan?